Friday, January 4, 2013

DBZ005 - Gohan's Metamorphosis

DBZ005 - Gohan's Metamorphosis

Piccolo leaves Gohan alone in the wilderness for six months so he can learn to take care of himself, just like his father did as a child. Even though there are dangerous animals in the wild, Gohan's hidden powers help him escape, but also get him stuck on a really tall boulder, from which he can't get down. High above, Kami tells Mr. Popo that in a years time, both he and Piccolo will die from unknown causes and that if Piccolo knew this it might have been what caused his slow change of heart towards Gohan. Meanwhile, Krillin tries to break the news about Goku and Gohan to Chi Chi but is too scared. 

As Krillin and the others try to find the Dragon Balls after Bulma adjusts the eyepiece for their use. Chi Chi arrives with her father to search for Goku and Gohan, there Master Roshi is forced to tell Chi Chi the truth himself, to which she faints. Yajirobe appears with a task for Krillin: he must bring Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu to Korin Tower in preparation for the Saiyans' arrival, before he leaves he also tells them that Baba is coming to tell them that Goku wishes to be brought back just before the Saiyans' arrival. Gohan sees the full Moon for the first time and goes through the same transformation as his father once did: he becomes a giant ape-creature, an Oozaru, unable to control his power. With no other way to stop the rampaging Gohan, Piccolo is forced to destroy the Moon. Gohan reverts to his original form, and with no Moon, the chance of the transformation ever happening again is gone. Just to be safe, Piccolo pulls Gohan's tail off before giving him new clothes with his symbol on it and a sword. Finally, Piccolo really leaves Gohan by himself. 

Written by : Admin // 12:52 AM


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